Climate neutral company


As one of the first companies in our industry, we have been climate-neutral at our sites in Aschheim near Munich and at our production facilities worldwide since May 2021. Many large and small measures have helped to achieve this goal.

We have our climate footprint and know the large and small sources of emissions. A key element of our business model is to use as much recycled material as possible instead of virgin material for our innovative products and to keep transport distances short. This gives us a clear CO2 advantage over products from Asia, for example.

Another importun factor in reducing our carbon footprint was the switch to green electricity, which we have been using since 2021. In addition, our goods are delivered to our customers in a climate-neutral manner by a parcel delivery company that offsets the transport emissions.

And because emissions cannot be completely avoided overnight, we offset our current carbon footprint with high-quality and certified international climate protection projects.

For 2021, the site-related emissions that we have voluntarily offset amount to 589 t CO2. Our climate protection contribution for offsetting goes to the Kariba REDD+ Forest Protection in Zimbabwe, a wind power project in Taiwan, a biomass and a photovoltaic project in India, and a wind power project in Turkey.

Thus we are certified climate neutral through CO2 compensation.

Furthermore, we are a member of the „Fondation Alliance for Climate and Development“ and follow all new developments to further advance our climate optimization.
