Photo artist Temel Nal


By purchasing the works as a collector, mentor and sponsor from the very beginning, the founder of the Fondation, Sami Memili, has made a significant contribution to the career of the artist Temel Nal. He was one of the first to recognize the worldwide unique expression and technique of this photographer, who creates impressionistic works with his camera alone and not on the computer, which can be classified between painting and photography.

He is now internationally successful and is exhibited in world cities such as New York, Miami, Florence, Venice, Milan, Monaco, Montreal, Istanbul and Vienna and is represented by several galleries. Very exciting are his latest series „Masks“, „BlueWoman“ and „DataWorld“, in which he artistically processes current issues such as the Corona pandemic, the ever-advancing alienation of people from their natural environment and digitalization.

© Copyright 2021 – TEMEL NAL

“I am a photographic artist. My work is impressionistic and underpins a world released from everyday reality. None of my photos are digitally manipulated. None of it is computer-generated imagery. My images are the direct result of the impressions I have when shooting.

I use a unique photographic technique which I developed with time and lots of trial and error! Over the years I have reached a point where I can say that I “paint” with my camera. I try to capture the infinite variations of our everyday reality, releasing colour from its form. The result is a colour-dominated impressionistic world.

Out of this world, I create single shots, or increasingly, themed series such as The Mask Series, Blue Lady Series, or currently, The Data Series, where I am investigating the avalanche and overwhelming invasion of technological data into our lives. I want and need to reach people emotively, with my work and ideas. The camera is the tool I have chosen to achieve this.”

Temel Nal, 2021
